Look Here for Solutions to Fix SBCGlobal Email Not Working with MS Outlook

Solutions to Fix SBCGlobal Email Not Working
Jan 15, 2024 Reading time : 9 min

Quite noticeable, SBCGlobal users configure their email account in MS Outlook desktop client to avoid its webmail login issues but experiencing issues there as well can be highly disappointing, right! 

Well, this is not actually a hypothetical situation we’re quoting here. It has been actually reported that SBCGlobal users due to many unfortunate reasons encounter the ‘not working’ issue in MS Outlook also. So, if that’s the case with any of you then, you must be already wondering about the reasons that cause problems in the proper working of SBCGlobal on MS Outlook, and why not! It is definitely important to determine the exact factor causing the issue you are experiencing so that you can put your efforts in the right direction for resolving the same.

Taking it into consideration, let’s tell you that, there could be a lot of possible reasons as to why SBCGlobal email doesn’t work with Outlook. However, to be precise, the following are some of the most common reasons that cause problems in the proper working of SBCGlobal on MS Outlook. Have a look—

Reasons Why SBCGlobal Email Not Working with MS Outlook

  1. Slow or interrupted Internet connection
  2. Used incorrect SBCGlobal server settings (IMAP/ POP) on Outlook
  3. Either POP or IMAP setting doesn’t work properly
  4. Interference of any downloaded third-party app or software with the smooth working of Outlook program
  5. Wrongly executed configuration process to setup SBCGlobal on Outlook
  6. Missing Windows update

Having these reasons in mind, we will straightaway come to their respective solutions that will work wonders in resolving “SBCGlobal Email Not Working with MS Outlook.” 

Tried and Tested Solutions for SBCGlobal.net Not Working on Outlook

  1. Change Network Settings to Google DNS
  2. Verify the Configuration Settings
  3. Switch to IMAP from POP or Vice-Versa 
  4. Open MS Outlook in Safe-Window Mode
  5. Remove and Re-add SBCGlobal on Outlook
  6. Install Any Pending Update to Keep Your System Up-to-Date

Now, as you’ve got enough idea of the reasons that cause this particular ‘SBCGlobal not working on Outlook’ issue along with their respective solutions; time has come to get started with this troubleshooting guide. 

How to Fix SBCGlobal Email Not Working with MS Outlook

Here are the step-by-step instructions of each above-listed solution that must execute in the same manner if you want to get rid of the encountered ‘SBCGlobal not working’ on the Outlook issue. So, without any further delay, let’s get started—

Solution 1: Change Network Settings to Google DNS

First of all, you need to check whether your computer on which you are using MS Outlook desktop email-client program to run your SBCGlobal.net account is properly connected to the Internet or not. While checking, if the problem seems to be caused by DNS then, changing your network settings to Google DNS would definitely help you to resolve the encountered issue. And, you can do so via these steps—

  • From the “Taskbar,” click on the “Network” icon.
  • Then, locate the network your PC is currently connected to and simply select the same.
  • After that, click on the “Change Adapter Options.”
Change Adapter Options
  • In doing so, the list of available network connections on your PC will appear on the screen.
  • Out of all, you’ve to perform right-click on your network to select the “Properties” option from the pop-up contextual menu.
  • In continuation, select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” option and click on the “Properties” button.
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
  • Next, you’ve to select “Use the following DNS server addresses” to enter—
  1. [] in front of the ‘Preferred’ DNS Server &
  2. [] in front of the ‘Alternate’ DNS Server.
  • In the end, just click the “OK” button to save the recently made changes.
click the “OK”

Solution 2: Verify the Configuration Settings

You are likely to experience issues while using SBCGlobal.net in Outlook because of a possible reason that you’ve configured your account with some incorrect SBCGlobal Outlook settings. This is quite a common scenario since when SBCGlobal merged with AT&T. Where some users unintentionally used settings of the SBCGlobal server and completely forgets that it has now changed to AT&T servers; others, while in a hurry during the configuration setup, enter the server addresses incorrectly. 

However, regardless of the reasons, match the following correct SBCGlobal server settings with the one you’ve configured your account with to ensure the proper functioning of your SBCGlobal.net account in Outlook

  • Verify and enter these ‘Incoming and Outgoing server settings’ if you’re using IMAP-Account type
Incoming Email Server:imap.mail.att.net
Incoming Port:993
Outgoing Email Server:smtp.mail.att.net
Outgoing Port:465
Encrypted Connection:SSL
Requires Authentication:Yes
  • Verify and enter these ‘Incoming and Outgoing server settings’ if you’re using POP-Account type
Incoming Email Server:inbound.att.net
Incoming Port:995
Outgoing Email Server:outbound.att.net
Outgoing Port:465
Encrypted Connection:SSL
Requires Authentication:Yes

Once you’re done with the verification and (if needed) changing of the configuration settings, try using your SBCGlobal.net account in Outlook again to ensure whether the issue has been resolved or not.

Solution 3: Switch to IMAP from POP or Vice-Versa 

As everyone knows, IMAP and POP are the two types of accounts that exist. Out of the two, you can configure your account only using either one of them. Fair enough! So, the point here is, if you’ve configured your account in Outlook using POP account-type, then consider switching to IMAP and vice-versa. This is simply because, at times, one type of setting doesn’t work properly but luckily the other does! 


Mostly, users prefer IMAP over POP because in between the two, IMAP is newer and offers much flexibility.

So, right after changing your SBCGlobal.net account type settings in Outlook, check if the issue is still there.

Solution 4: Open MS Outlook in Safe-Window Mode

You should consider running MS Outlook in Safe-Window mode to make sure that none of the available third-party add-ons or your antivirus is interfering with the Outlook application. It is because antivirus and other third-party tools can interrupt its smooth working and thus creates such unpleasant situations of email not working in front of you.

So, in order to be sure about the same, consider opening MS Outlook in Safe mode by following these steps:

  • Press & hold “Windows logo + R” keys together to launch ‘Windows Run Dialog-Box.’
  • Inside it, type “Outlook /safe” and then, press the “Enter” or “Ok” button to execute the command.
  • Now, as the new Window appears, immediately click the “OK” option to start using MS Outlook in safe mode.
click the “OK”

Alternatively, you can open Outlook in safe mode by simply doing the following:

  • Firstly locate the MS Outlook shortcut.
  • Then, press & hold the “Ctrl” key and start “Outlook.” In doing so, Outlook will start in Safe Window Mode.

Well, if the issue disappears when using SBCGlobal.net on Outlook in safe mode, it means you’ll need to disable add-ons and certain antivirus settings in normal mode to completely get rid of the encountered issue. However, if the issue still remains then, move onto the next solution.

Solution 5: Remove and Re-add SBCGlobal.net Email on Outlook

At times, SBCGlobal.net email isn’t working with Outlook because you might not have configured SBCGlobal on Outlook properly. So, considering that, we suggest you remove your SBCGlobal completely from your device and configure it once again. 

Well, removing and re-adding works most of the time therefore, you can surely go for this another workable solution. However, worry not! Removing your email profile from Outlook will only remove those files that are stored locally on your PC and not your email messages, they will be preserved in fact!

This means, without any worry, you can remove your SBCGlobal.net email profile from Outlook via following these steps—

  • In your “Outlook” application, click on its “Files” tab.
  • Then, select the “Account Settings” option from the file’s menu.
Account Settings
  • Under it, choose the “Manage Profiles” option.
Manage Profiles
  • After that, locate the “Show Profiles” option and click on the same.
  • Moving on further, select your SBCGlobal account from the ‘Show Profiles’ section.
  • In continuation, simply click right on your SBCGlobal account. 
  • Now, a contextual menu will appear in front of you, and from it, click on the “Remove” button to finally remove your configured SBCGlobal account from MS Outlook.
Show Profiles
click on the “Remove”

After you’re finished removing your SBCGlobal email account from Outlook, configure it again. Well, to know the correct procedure of ‘how to set up SBCGlobal.net email on Outlook’ visit here. And, once you do so, you’re not likely to experience the encountered issue further!

Solution 6: Check for Any Pending Update to Keep Your System Up-To-Date

Last but not least, it’s always a good idea to check for any pending update that was missed. Well, because sometimes your operating system runs on an older version and that creates issues in the proper functioning of applications that are available on your PC, including Outlook. Thus, it is necessary to keep a regular check for all the pending Windows updates to ensure keeping your computer system most up to date. And, you can do so via these steps:

  • Press the “Windows Logo +R” key shortcut. This will open the “Windows Run Dialog” box. 
  • In that box, type “services.msc” and click on the “OK” button.
type “services.msc” and click on the “OK”
  • This command will open the list of Windows services and from the same, select the “Windows Update Service.”
select the “Windows Update Service”
  • After that, check whether there are any pending Updates waiting to be installed or not. 
  • And, if there’s any, install it simply by executing the on-screen prompts.

Now, as your system is running on the latest version, it will remain error-free and so are its applications and programs.

That’s all! Most probably, these above-discussed solutions will help you to resolve the issue of SBCGlobal email not working in MS Outlook. However, if anyhow the problem still persists then, consider directly contacting the SBCGlobal Support number.

Senior Writer, Editor, and Copywriter with a total of 7 years of experience in the niche of emails, troubleshooting, and social media. She writes and manages a team of 10 senior writers.