Content Personalization Techniques That Drive Conversions

Personalization is essential for boosting conversions. 93% of companies experienced an increase in conversion rates after personalizing their search engine marketing; 94% of companies experienced the same after personalizing their websites; and 92% boosted their conversions by personalizing their emails, an Econsultancy report found. By focusing on the details of each individual customer’s experience, you can better tailor your brand’s content to their needs and consequently win their business.
Personalization Based on Number of Visits
When it comes to content marketing, personalization is key. Personalizing content based on the number of site visits means you can either display offers attractive to first-time visitors, or ones that appeal to returning visitors based on their past browsing history. For example, a welcome pop-up for new visitors is a simple yet effective personalization technique. This could also include a short video that introduces your brand and site. In fact, video is known to boost organic visibility and reach new audiences. Search engines and people love video, and on landing pages, it can boost conversions by 80%. Alternatively, you could notify repeat customers of new deals or price drops based on their purchase history — personalized CTAs perform 202% better than generic ones. In particular, HubSpot’s Smart Content feature helps generate different homepage content depending on whether the visitor is new, a lead, or a repeat customer.
Humanizing Transactional Emails
Transactional emails are typically sent out as a receipt or confirmation after a customer makes a purchase. All too often, however, these emails have an impersonal and computerized feel, despite being highly relevant to the individual consumer. Fortunately, this can be remedied with personalization. For example, use an email headline that refers to the specific action taken by the customer. Inside the email, feature engaging images relevant to your brand or related products and services, as well as a personal touch like a thank you message from the founder. To close, give the customer a method of contacting a real human with follow-up questions.
Use the Referral Source
Sometimes a potential customer may come across your brand via an influencer on social media. However, if they follow the given link and arrive on your site’s generic homepage with no mention of said influencer or the products they endorse, they may be at a loss as to where to go next. Not only is this annoying, but it can also result in a higher bounce rate. By creating a landing page, heading, banner, or popup tailored to the customer’s referral source (such as email, social media, or another website), you can give them a smoother and more engaging experience. For example, a personalized landing page could mention the influencer, their favorite products, and their reviews. Immediately presented with this information, the customer is much more likely to explore the recommendations and make a purchase.
By taking care to target your message to specific consumers, you are more likely to boost conversions. Personalizing your content allows you to provide them with relevant real-time experiences and better influence their purchase decisions.