The Importance of Mutual Fund NAV: Understanding Your Returns

mutualfund nav
May 8, 2023 Reading time : 4 min

You need to comprehend how Mutual Fund NAV (Net Asset Value) affects your returns as an investor. The value at which a mutual fund’s units are purchased or sold, or mutual fund NAV, represents the success of the fund. In other words, the NAV is the price per unit of a mutual fund and it varies every day depending on the performance of the fund.

Due to the possibility for larger returns and lower risk compared to other investment options, mutual fund investing has grown in popularity over the past several years. It’s crucial to remember that mutual fund returns are not assured and can change depending on several variables, including the fund’s NAV. Thus, below are some reasons why Mutual Fund’s NAV is important.

  • Measures Fund Performance: The net asset value (NAV) of a mutual fund is an important indicator of the fund’s success. It indicates a fund’s current value, which is calculated by deducting the value of a underlying assets from a liabilities as well as dividing the result by the quantity of outstanding units. Because it accounts for changes in the value of the assets owned by a fund, the NAV is a reliable gauge of a fund’s overall achievement. 
  • Your Returns Are Affected: Your returns as a mutual fund investor are directly impacted by a net asset value (NAV). You buy units in the mutual fund at a current NAV when you invest. When you sell a unit to recoup your investment, the NAV in effect. Your returns are impacted by the NAV since it influences both the purchase and sale prices of the units. An investor may receive a larger return if the NAV at a time of sale is higher, whereas a lower NAV may yield a lesser return. Thus, it is essential to keep an eye on the mutual fund’s NAV while making a choice regarding investments.
  • Making Informed Investment Decisions: You may choose investments wisely if you are aware of a mutual fund’s net asset value (NAV). A fund may be functioning well and provide a solid investment opportunity if its NAV has steadily increased over time. On the other hand, if the NAV is steadily declining, it may indicate that a fund is underperforming and might not be a sensible investment. Investors may learn more about the performance of a mutual fund and decide where to put their money by keeping an eye on the NAV.
  • Aids in Fund Comparison: Investors can compare the performance of multiple funds using a net asset value (NAV) of the mutual funds. Investors can identify whether funds have superior historical performance by comparing a NAVs of various funds. It’s crucial to remember, though, that when comparing funds, the NAV shouldn’t be the only thing taken into account. When making investing selections, investors need also take into account additional elements including expense ratios, and management costs, investment goals, and prior performance. Investors may create a diverse investment portfolio as well as make better investment decisions by approaching fund research holistically.
  • Helps with portfolio rebalancing: The mutual fund NAV is crucial for portfolio rebalancing. To have a balanced portfolio when your investment portfolio expands, you might need to reallocate your investments. To maintain the correct asset allocation, you can choose which mutual funds to sell and which to buy by knowing their NAV.


The mutual fund NAV is an important feature to take into account before investing. It has an immediate effect on your returns as an investor and is a trustworthy indicator of a fund’s performance. You may compare several funds, rebalance your portfolio, and make informed investing decisions by understanding the NAV. As a result, it’s crucial to pay attention to the NAV of your mutual funds because it can be a useful tool in assisting you in realising your financial objectives.

Alex Jones
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Alex Jones
