How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Business: Tips and Tricks

Although Twitter seems to be an easy platform to maintain and promote your business, there are things that you should know about that. Many brands try this social network but fail because they misstep opportunities and neglect the rules of dwelling on this particular network. Nowadays there are ways to choose so you can do it easier – like the option to buy Twitter poll votes, or get paid followers… But nothing will work properly if you don’t have a clue about promoting your brand on Twitter organically. Read this article to acknowledge some tips that can turn your account into a crazy traffic generator.
Be More Active
The first rule to keep up with if you want to make the best result out of your promotion on Twitter is to be more active on the platform yourself. Unlike Instagram or Facebook, Twitter requires much more presence to increase visibility and attract users to your profile. And although it may seem time-consuming, the result
will be rather pleasing.
Twitter audiences are engaged in the communication process on the go, so you must appear often enough to squeeze in the most active and trendy ongoing conversations. To do that, you need to develop a perfect timing schedule that will give you the chance to catch up with the target group as often as possible. Look for the windows of activity of the audience and act accordingly, altering and adjusting your dwelling on Twitter.
Post Frequently
It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of frequent tweeting on this social platform. Consistent and active posting, as it was mentioned before, secures your growth. However, doing 100 tweets about basically nothing isn’t a good decision. Increase the number of tweets posted daily organically, when you do have something to say. Collect ideas and save them for your future posting, so you can automate at least part of your posts to save some time. But remember that Twitter is all about sudden engaging discussions, so you have to preserve the feeling of impromptu thoughts that you roll out in the media.
Connect with the Influencers
Influencer marketing works on Twitter too but in a somewhat twisted way. As we think of influencer marketing on YouTube or Instagram, the image of a two-sided contract and basic advertisement appears. But on Twitter, influencer marketing is not performed as the ordered ad. Here, the collaboration between influencers and brands can be more discreet, and happen in a natural way. Twitter influencers are incredibly active, and they are powerful trendsetters. So one of the efficient ways to improve your is to participate in their activities and support their trends.
Communicate Like a Person
Twitter is a tool for personalization #1 among social media because here it is impossible to create a hundred-percent business account. The communication here happens naturally and goes in various directions as it does in a real-life discussion between people. So, try to keep the voice of your brand on Twitter as human as possible.
For example, use your personal charm and grow your Twitter account as a place where you speak to the audience directly as an owner of the brand. This way you will develop a stronger connection between you and your target audience, drawing the attention of your potential customers to the benefits of your brand naturally and building trust in it.
Create Various Content
Variety is great for any social platform and Twitter is no exception here. Despite this network resembling the glorious SMS exchange of the early 2000s, visuals work here well too. The Twitter crowd likes infographics because it looks to squeeze more information into a limited tweet capacity. Also, you can use a thread-building option and expand your thought into a long read, as well as add more illustrations to it. Videos, articles, pictures – use all you can if you want to drive more attention to your profile.
A specific thing that exists on Twitter is user-generated content. It is not quite like the one you can collect on other social platforms. Here, users actually can improve your original content on the go, as they reply to the original post. Twitter is all about generating ideas, so no wonder your post will provoke users to think of something new, based on the information you gave. Motivate and reward the most active users as they are basically the fuel for your popularity.
Use Hashtags

You can target your tweets to be seen in a specific community with the help of hashtags. This tool is what can drastically improve your visibility and expose your tweets to new customers. Keep it smart and think strategically when it comes to hashtags. On Twitter, there is no need to enter dozens of hashtags to be seen, but simply adding one or two that hit the right topic is key. To check what term will work for you better, you can use different tools that are offered on the market and see the statistics that will tell you if this is the proper word to use.
Also, check your competitors and see which tags they use – these will be the most suitable results for you too.
To increase activity on your account you should introduce original hashtags that will entertain and navigate your followers. For example, some brands enter a special tag that people are using when they post about the product.
Mix Your Tweeting
Twitter business accounts cannot be focused only on the brand itself. This platform is very dynamic and it requires quick thinking and a sharp reaction to all that happens around the world. Today, Twitter is one of the important tools that help people to make their voices louder and speak to the world openly. Different organizations and politicians use Twitter as a place where they express their manifestos about everything worth attention. Different social movements, politics, ecology – you must embrace the variety of topics that change daily on this platform and make your Twitter count a place where you can say what you think and answer the real questions you get from a live audience.
Twitter is a fast and dynamic social network, where trends are born and die within one day. Here you must think a few steps ahead yet keep your hand on the pulse of current news and reactions. Listen to what Twitter society buzzes about and implement your brand voice accordingly, making Twitter a place where your potential and actual customers can speak with you as easily as if they were sitting next to you.