How To Get A Perfect Score in Class 7 Maths?

Mathematics is one of the most important subjects that plays a vital part in competitive exams. It has many problems that are hard to solve and it looks very intimidating to the students. It feels like a strenuous exercise that boggles the brain. Some students find it interesting, like playing with water, while others are afraid of the water.
Several online forums provide class 7 Maths NCERT solutions which give students an easy way out. However, the goal is to solve questions by yourself and refer to these solutions just to check your answer. These forums are to provide you with external help, so don’t choose this as the only plan.
Getting 100 marks seems like a faraway dream, but with dedication and proper guidance, you can achieve it. In this article, we will provide you with some great tips to help you attempt to solve any level of maths problems and score excellent marks in class 7.
Tips to score 100 marks
You want to achieve 100 marks in the math exam but can’t because of the lack of guidance! No worries; here are some great tips that will help you pass math with flying colors.
Understand The Basics

The first step to scoring good marks in Maths is to understand the basics, like formulas, theorems, and concepts. Teachers following the traditional school curriculum make the mistake of giving more importance to good grades while forgetting the real purpose of teaching.
If you don’t have a clear understanding of the topic that you are learning, your base will be unsteady. You need to have a strong knowledge of the basics, which will make a great foundation and will assist you in the near future.
In Mathematics, only learning formulae won’t take you far; you need to learn the logic behind the formulas. While learning the basics, make sure to clear up any doubts that you have. Ask your teachers for help or you seek external help.
Focus On NCERT

You need to study smart and choose the best material. NCERT is the best option for the students in class 7 because it helps with concept-based study. You don’t need to spend your money on the extra books; NCERT is sufficient.
When you read a new chapter, solve all the examples and study all the diagrams and charts. Go through all the exercises at the end of the chapter and revise them. It helps boost confidence and clear your doubts.
Solve Problems By Yourself

To learn Maths, it is a must to solve the problems by yourself. Go through the numerous problems and try to solve them. It will feel burdensome but it will be worth the effort. It will help you learn to apply the formulas.
By attempting a wide variety of practice questions, you will improve. Start with the easier questions first and increase the difficulty level as you learn. Get the hang of simple problems before moving on to the challenging part.
Previous Year Question Papers

The previous year’s question paper would be of great help to you.
It will let you know the question paper design, weight of topics, and frequently asked questions.
Moreover, you can do a self-evaluation to check your preparation before the exams. This step helps you analyze the difficulty level of the exams.
Time Management

Time management is the crucial part of the exam preparation. Solving full-length sample question papers is the best way to learn. Set a timer and solve the questions to check your speed. Prioritize the easy questions and leave the hard questions for the end.
Try to make a timetable and follow it wholeheartedly. Try to get enough sleep that will help you in better concentration and a good mindset.

When it comes to exams, being stressed is almost inevitable. The mere thought of exams becomes stressful. That’s why you should try to study before the exam season and learn the concepts at your own pace.
Approach Maths with a positive mindset, have fun and don’t get too stressed about it. Study with your close friends in a good environment that makes you comfortable. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when in need.
External Help

The school curriculum can be boring, making you lose interest in learning. If you feel burned out or need a change of environment for learning, you can turn to reliable institutions like Cuemath or any other maths website for kids. Cuemath is an online educational platform that ensures all students develop good subject basics. The certified tutors use resources such as interactive worksheets and puzzles to teach lectures. Thus, a student not only studies well but also has fun while learning.
Use every resource to meet your needs and start preparing for the exams before they come knocking on the door.
Getting good grades is necessary. However, you should give more importance to gaining an in-depth knowledge of the subject. Follow the tips listed in the article, and have fun while learning. Class 7 maths is not rocket science. It can only be a piece of cake if you want it to be. Learn while playing and living your teenage life to the fullest!