Energy Saving Tips That Can Help You Save Money

Energy costs are one of the most unavoidably important costs arising from running a household. Electricity prices will differ according to your location. And, various factors like climate, the size of your house, number of people, appliances, and personal habits can all affect your energy bills.
If you want to save on energy prices, start by understanding your energy requirement and find the best electricity plan by comparing retailers online.
Here are a few other energy-saving tips that can help you save money in the long run.
Use Energy-Efficient Appliances
Modern households are filled with several appliances like a fridge, televisions, air-conditioners, microwave, oven, washing machine, dryer, computers, and dishwashers. When you buy such appliances, remember to take a look at their energy ratings.
They are likely to cost a little more than appliances with lower star ratings, but you can recoup the extra amount in terms of electricity saved every billing cycle. Also, avoid purchasing models with high-end features that you will never use but will pay for in the form of electricity.
Switch Off Appliances When Not in Use
Appliances that stay on standby still use electricity. For example, any powered-down device with a blinking light or digital clock feature still uses electricity. Such miscellaneous energy use can account for up to 10% of your electricity bill.
Did you know the simple act of switching off the game console once you are done playing could help you save up to $193 yearly?
Manage Heating and Cooling
The ideal temperature for your thermostat during summers is between 18°C and 20°C, and during winters, it should be between 25°C to 27°C. So every degree that you increase your energy bills can go up about 5% to 10%.
This does not mean you have to live uncomfortably. You can adopt simple measures during winters, such as heating rooms that you frequently use. Keep your windows shut as up to 40% of heat can escape through windows.
During summers, use curtains, blinds, and external shading to cool down the temperature inside your house, and keep windows open to let the cool breeze in, reducing the need for you to turn on your AC.
Reduce Hot Water Use
Hot water, on average, accounts for up to 25% of energy bills in a typical household. Installing an energy-efficient showerhead could save on both water and electricity bills. Another example would be to run the dishwasher only when it is full.
Know Tariff Plans
To save on bills and find the best electricity plan, you first need to understand how costs are calculated. So spend some time understanding your bill. Know the difference between supply and usage charges and how much you pay per unit of energy.
Do you have a flat rate or time-of-use tariff plan? You can negotiate a better plan armed with these details.
Chose a Plan According to Usage
Identify how and where you are using the most energy in your home. For example, if you only get back home after 10 PM, you can save money by switching to a time-of-use tariff plan and making the most of the off-peak rates offered.