Best Applications To Know Every Instagram Stalker On Android & iOS

Hey! Do you know Instagram has more than 1.44 Billion users currently in the year 2022? Much appalling is the fact that 23.1% are people aged 13 and more.
Instagram being the first-morning mirror for social media users has become an entertainment package where almost freely people’s lives flow. From their travel locations to their closest friends, everything is posted considering the trends and likes.
No offense, but your content must have been watched multiple times by your friends and unknown or known Insta stalkers. Being famous is never an issue until it affects your life security.
Having a stalker is a matter of concern in some manners. What if we tell you that there is a way to catch your Instagram stalker using apps? To get a glimpse into it let’s scroll and carve out this issue with soothing solutions.
Answer to “how to see who stalks your Instagram” is waiting below. Tune in.
Best Apps to Know “Who Stalked/Watched Your Stories?”

Your stories being available to your friends and world for 24 hours represents you and your personal information. Might be haunting, but true that it might have been noticed by some unknown stalker too.
People with no accounts also have the access to watch other account stories and profiles through many easy sources.
Know “how to see who stalks your Instagram with stalker app”.
Let’s get to know some applications of them briefly.
Applications For Android
App 1: Influxy App

Do you want to keep up with all the info from followers to blocked list and from minute details of the exact time someone viewed your detail then Influxy can help.
The tempting fact is that it is free so there are no hidden charges. Privacy is respected and data is never stored.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific Work:
- Find out which friend has changed their profile name.
- Gauge who looks at your profile/stories, likes, and comments.
- Know who doesn’t like your content.
Google Ratings | 4.1 |
Storage | 16 MB |
Paid or Unpaid | $75/month $65/month, when billed annually |
Play Store Address |
App 2: Follower Analyzer for Instagram App

Track and view every detail from your Insta stalker to your friends.
Also gauge top comments, pics, and the most preferred video of your profile.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific Work:
- Who is having a look at your profile?
- Your photos are being watched secretly by whom?
- Know the stalker who watches your post.
- Secret admirer who watches your posted videos.
For any inquiry:
Google Ratings | 3.9 ★ |
Storage | 3.9MB |
Paid or Unpaid | Rs. 190 to Rs. 430 |
Play Store Address | Follower Analyzer for Instagram App |
App 3: Instalker

Want to get notified when someone unfollowed you and also want to track increase and fall on your follower analysis “Instalker” can help.
Installer premium price starts at $2.49USD/week. If not interested to pay, simply walk for free use.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific work:
- Who viewed your Insta profile?
- Who viewed your Insta story?
- Who viewed your Insta picture?
Google Ratings | 3.5 ★ |
Storage | 5MB |
Paid or Unpaid | $2.49USD/week |
Play Store Address | Instalker |
App 4:MyInsProfile

Untangle everything from your profile, stories, and blocked contacts to your liked comments, video, and many more through this app.
Scrutinize who is the secret admirer/s/ig stalker and most interested in your Instagram profile.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific work:
- Acknowledge who interacted/stalked/viewed your profile.
- Scale who is your best follower and secret admirer/stalker.
- Gauge who is liking your content secretly and thus stalks
Google Ratings | 2.6 ★ |
Storage | 4.3MB |
Paid or Unpaid | Rs.470 to Rs.1,550 per item |
Play Store Address | MyInsProfile |
App 5: MyStalker: Who Viewed Profile Instagram

If you want detailed information about your Insta profile every day then this app can accompany your mobile.
Free of charge know your ig stalker, admirer, and who is visiting your profile multiple times.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific Work:
- Gauge who looked/viewed/stalked your profile
- Know who is your secret admirer/ig viewer and ghost follower or ig stalker.
- Get to know If anyone/stalker is watching your account picture.
Google Ratings | 3.6 ★ |
Storage | 9MB |
Paid or Unpaid | Rs.230 to Rs.1,400 per item |
Play Store Address | MyStalker: Who Viewed Profile Instagram |
App 6: Followers Report for IG

To dig deep into your Insta account and gather insight into your following and blocking list “Followers Report for IG” can aid you.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific Work:
- Know who is discovering/Stalking/viewing your Ig profile and who just started following you
- Discover who stopped following, and hasn’t followed, unfollowed, or blocked.
- Gauge your secret admirer/stalker/viewer. One who watches your photos/stories/videos.
Google Ratings | 4.5 ★ |
Storage | 5.96MB |
Paid or Unpaid | Rs.180 to Rs.3,100 |
Play Store Address | Followers Report IG |
iOS Applications
Some iOS applications are listed for you to have an apprehensive look at your performance on your Instagram content through tracking your Instagram profile stalker.
App 1: Visitors Pro App

Want to know “Who cares about me the most on Instagram” then “Visitors Pro App” can answer your queries. This app dips more analytically into your profile viewers and stalkers in particular.
Below are some specific areas in which they pay attention:
➽ Specific Work:
- Who stalks your Insta profile?
- Who views your Insta photos?
- Who stalks your Insta stories?
- Know who is your most active follower/ig stalker.
Google Ratings | 3.2 ★ |
Storage | 13.3 MB |
Paid or Unpaid | $1.99 to $9.99 |
Play Store Address | Visitors Pro App |
App 2: Ig Analyzer: Follower Tracker and Analyzer

➽ Specific Work:
- Know the person/stalker/viewer who viewed your profile.
- Know which person blocked you.
- Discover your lost followers.
- Acknowledge who is liking your content through like and most comments.
Google Ratings | 4.6★ |
Storage | 7.7MB |
Paid or Unpaid | Rs.9.00 to Rs. 4,700 |
Play Store Address | IG Follower analyzer insight |
App 3: Follower Analyzer Insight

➽ Specific Work:
- Helps user analyze his profile
- Tool for both Instagram and Facebook.
Google Ratings | 3.9★ |
Storage | 32.50MB |
Paid or Unpaid | In-app purchases Rs. 1,5000 per item |
Play Store Address | Follower analyzer insight |
Best Apps to Know Insta Progress Through Following/Unfollowing by Ig Stalker
In a tabular form below the Instagram application for both Android and iOS with their respective downloading store address has been provided.
Applications particularly to gauge the Instagram following and unfollowing have been placed to help you.
Android Application | iOS Application |
Followers & Unfollowers | Statplus for Instagram |
Ig Profile: Follower Analysis | Followers Track for Instagram |
MyInsProfile | Followers + Unfollowers Report |
Steps for Safety Concerning Stalker Threats
As discussed previously stalkers can be harmful to some possibilities as every stalker doesn’t hold the same intention of just following the other.
Note: Being socially active doesn’t mean posting your everyday day schedule with your followers and friends. This can lead to inevitable problems in the future. Multiple
Social media personalities have been caught up in legal issues too.
Here are some clear ways by which you can make your stories, stalkers, and activities OFF simultaneously: have a look at them and bury your problem related to them.
- Private your Account

Through your Instagram Settings, you can make your account private hence your stories, posts, and stuff available only to your friends.
Step 1. Go to your Profile.
Step 2. Go to the top right corner “Three horizontal bar” sign.
Step 3. Tap Settings>Account Privacy>Private Account

- Turn OFF Activity Status
You can Turn OFF your Activity Status to let your account update away from anyone.
Step 1. Go to your Profile
Step 2. After tapping on the three-line icon in the top right corner. Go to “Settings”.
Step3. Tap Privacy>Activate Status>Turn it OFF

- Remove Insta Followers

If you suspect any of your followers as your stalker then you have the option of removing him/her from your following list.
Step 1: Go to your Home profile.
Step 2: Click on the follower’s tab where the no. of the same is denoted.

Step 3: A list of your followers will appear with a remove option beside it. Remove them as per your instincts.
- Report

You can also report to Instagram through its very easy feature of a click if you find things awkward with any account.
Step 1. Go to the Profile of the person or type the name
of the user in the search bar.
Step 2. Click on the sign present in the top right corner.
Step 3. Tap on “Report User”.

You may be having a plethora of issues and queries to ask, so feel free to connect to the Instagram reporting services and authorities.
Wrap Up
Instagram might be your only go-to application for watching and collecting publicity but keep a vigilant eye on every small detail. Minor negligence can dig you into loopholes. Reporting stalkers, illegal contents, and accounts are pivotal to making Instagram or any other social media app a safe place.