5 Software Updates Student Windows Users Shouldn’t Miss

In the 21st century, if you are in college, you simply can’t do without a computer or laptop. These gadgets are widely used for research and academic purposes. First of all, after the Covid-19 lockdown, it became clear that modern students need this kind of technology to access online classrooms and ensure learning continuity.
On top of that, computers can come in handy for completing daily homework assignments and projects. Even if, instead of coping with tedious tasks yourself, you choose to hire a professional to do my paper for me, you will still need a computer for other tasks. So one way or another, it’s a must-have device for students.
Apart from purchasing the right PC or laptop for yourself, you also need to ensure that it serves you well and long. For this reason, you must never miss important upgrades. For all Windows users in college, we made a list of the top five software updates that you should get ASAP. Read on to learn more!
Windows 11
First of all, if you want your computer to operate smoothly and stress-free, you should definitely not miss the new update of Windows OS. Although it was released in October 2021, it still remains the latest OS version out there. So if you haven’t upgraded yet, it’s time to do it!
There are many reasons to switch to it. First of all, it’s available for all Windows 10 devices that meet set requirements, and it’s free to upgrade. Secondly, the new OS will offer you several big benefits:
- A more consistent interface;
- Improved built-in apps;
- New widgets for quick access to important tools;
- Improved multiple desktops feature, etc.
Most importantly, a new OS comes with a number of fixed bugs and improved security. Thus, if you get it now, you should be able to prolong the life of your laptop and enhance its overall work.
Microsoft Office 2021
Without any doubt, MS Office is one of the most often used apps for student Windows users. This office suite contains plenty of great tools that can support your studies. First, there is MS Word, perfect for writing your essays, research papers, and other assignments. Also, there is PowerPoint for making excellent presentations for your classes. And there are plenty of other tools that will definitely come in handy for modern students.
The latest version of Microsoft Office was released along with the latest Windows OS in 2021. It also offers quite a few improvements. Apart from the overall better work and higher security, the fresh version of MS Office presents new inking tools, co-authoring features, translation and editing tools, and many other things that should come in handy for student users.
Now, it’s hard to find a student who wouldn’t use Grammarly in their daily life. Ever since it was released in 2009, this app is proven to be one of the best ones for seamless proofreading and editing of all text types. It comes especially in handy for academic writing. So this is another update that you definitely don’t want to miss if you are still in college.
The latest version of Grammarly for Windows is 9.65.0, which was released just a week ago. It includes some appearance and interface improvements, along with a few bug fixes. All in all, we have to say that Grammarly releases updates pretty often. Thus, we highly recommend all student users enable automatic upgrades in order not to miss out on any major changes and improvements in this app.
Google Drive
While an MS Office works great for most academic purposes, these days, students should really consider switching to the cloud. Cloud technology offers you a number of benefits. First of all, it enables you to make the most out of your computer’s performance by freeing more space on your gadget’s inner storage. On top of that, storing your academic materials, papers, documents, and other important files on the cloud is much safer. Even if your computer breaks or gets stolen, you will still gain access to your files from any other device. That’s why using cloud tools is crucial, and without any doubt, Google Drive is one of the best ones for this matter.
If you are already using Google Drive for handling your college tasks and storing files, this is one more app that you should also update regularly. New versions of this app come with improved functionality and safety, so you should never miss them. And in case you don’t use it yet, be sure to get Google Drive for your laptop now!
Google Chrome
Without any doubt, one more tool that modern students use a lot on their computers is a web browser. These days, a big share of your research and homework is done online or with the help of the Internet. Besides, students widely use the web to delegate their assignments, hire tutors, and engage in self-learning. Not to mention that they also use it for communication and entertainment. That is, now it’s more important than ever before to keep an eye on browser updates available out there just to be able to do all these things effectively without worrying about your safety.
According to statistics, Google Chrome is the most popular and widely used browser for Windows fans. So we assume you are using it too. The latest version of this browser for Windows is 112.0.5615.49. It was just released at the beginning of April, and it contains a number of important fixes that make it even more convenient, efficient, and secure than before. So be sure not to miss out on this one too!
The Bottom Line
Whether you own a Windows, Mac, or any other computer, the truth is that you should not miss any important software and OS updates. After all, new versions of different software always ensure better usability and security.
However, if you don’t want to bother with dozens of upgrades, now you have a list of the most important ones to keep an eye on.